
Widiastuti Setyaningsih was born in Klaten, Indonesia. She graduated Cum Laude from Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) with a Bachelor of Food and Agricultural Product Technology. She received her M.Sc. from Gdansk University of Technology (Poland), University of Barcelona (Spain) and University of Cadiz (Spain) under the frame of European Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL). Prior to pursuing her Doctoral degree, she worked several years as a person in charge of Quality Assurance Department who deals with food regulation and quality management at companies of Wings Group Indonesia.

She graduated Cum Laude with a doctorate in sciences from the University of Cadiz (Spain) and pursued a research stay at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Gdansk University of Technology (Poland) to reach a European PhD. Her research is focused on method development and validation for bio-active compounds in food samples as well as the development of functional food products. The results of her research were published in certain high impact factor journals and presented at some international conferences in 13 countries where she has been awarded the best oral and poster presentations.

Currently, she is a lecturer at the Department of Food and Agricultural Product Technology (DFAPT), Faculty of Agricultural TechnologyGadjah Mada University (Indonesia). She is a member of the editorial boards of a national food science journal (AGRITECH) and a manager of a public service laboratory belongs to the DFAPT, UGM. She is also a member of the Indonesian Association of Food Technologists (PATPI).