Forum Metabolomik Indonesia
Research Methodology (METOPEN)
- Finding Reliable Information
- Systematic Literature Review
- Survey Research
- Data Presentation
Design of Experiments (RANCOB)
- Introduction and Scientific Information Source
- Completely Randomized Design
- Randomized Block Design
- Latin Square Design
- Split-Plot Designs
- Full and Fractional Factorial Designs
- BBD and CCD
Analysis of Food and Agricultural Product I
- Introduction
- Data Evaluation and Method Validation
- Food Sampling
- Proximate Analysis
- Stoichiometry
- Analysis of Water and Ash Content
- Analysis of Protein
- Analysis of Oligosaccharides
- Analysis of Tannin and Phenolic Compounds
- Analysis of Antinutrients
Analysis of Food and Agricultural Product II
- Introduction
- Method Validation, Excel file of some calculations
- IR Spectroscopy by Dr Hanifah
- Extraction Methods in Analytical Chemistry
- HPLC Optimization and Monitoring
- HPLC-02
Food and Agricultural Product Chemistry (KPHP)
- Water
- Protein
- Enzyme
- Student groups
- Antioxidants
- Pigments
- Vitamins and Minerals
Quality Control (PM)
- Introduction
- Source of variation
- Process capability
- 7 QC Tools
- New 7 Tools
- Introduction to control chart
- Quality standard and its development, Excel files for some calculations 1, 2, and 3
- Quality control application in beverage industries
- Berpikir Perubahan
- Berfikir Kreatif
- Berorientasi pada Tindakan
Advanced Food Analysis
Please send your assignments related to this course to:
- Introduction and Presentation Order
- Scientific Writing
- Oral Presentation
- Poster Presentation
- Student for Poster Assignment
Documents – for Post-graduate Program
Scientific Communication II (KIP II)
- Introduction
- Publication Etics
- Writing a Manuscript (By Prof. Dr. Chusnul Hidayat)
- Task (By Prof. Dr. Chusnul Hidayat)
- Pembagian Kelas
Independent Study
Food Science (Pengetahuan Bahan Pangan) — for Department of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering
Food Biochemistry — for Chalmers University of Technology
Plant Design
- Module Description and Assessments
- Student groups
- Introduction, video
- Product Design, WS version
- Process Design
- Raw Materials, WS version
- Process Flow Chart
- Process Equipment
- Lay Out
- Building
- Location
- Capital
- Production Cost
- Economic Analysis
Plant Design Evaluation
Guest Lectures
- Chemometric tools in food analysis by Prof. Miguel Palma, University of Cadiz, Spain
- Erasmus + and EMQAL by Prof. Miguel Esteban, University of Barcelona, Spain
- Folate production by yeast – biotechnology and biofortification by Dr. Thomas Andlid, Chalmers Univ. of Techn, Sweden
- Fermentation technology – strain improvement by Dr. Thomas Andlid, Chalmers Univ. of Techn, Sweden
- Application of Experimental Design for Food Analysis by Prof. Miguel Palma, University of Cadiz, Spain
Community Service (Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)
- Pelatihan pengolahan daging
- Pelatihan pengolahan buah
- Manisan Salak
- Selai Salak
- Manisan Pepaya
- Pelatihan pengolahan susu
Journal Club